Don’t fall for this ridiculous distraction that Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee just trotted out for 2020

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Earlier today, Palmer Report pointed out that Donald Trump had posted more than a hundred tweets and retweets in just half a day, suggesting that he was desperate to distract everyone from the current and upcoming bad news he’s facing. Now Trump is directly confirming this, as he’s sending one of his most notorious surrogates on television to trot out an utterly ridiculous attempt at distracting us from the important stuff.

That’s right, Donald Trump is sending Mike Huckabee onto Fox News tonight to make the (apparently straight-faced) argument that because the Democrats and the Deep State tried to oust Trump from office, he’s eligible for a third term. Huckabee has even announced on Twitter that Trump has appointed him to run his 2024 campaign.

The thing is, this isn’t happening. In case I didn’t say that loudly enough, THIS ISN’T HAPPENING. It’s not a real thing. It’s not something that Donald Trump can just magically do, any more than he could magically flap his arms and fly. Even if Trump were planning to try to illegally run for a third term, he sure wouldn’t be telling anyone about it now, as he’d be giving his adversaries a several year head start in putting a stop to it.

Instead, this is simply a bizarre attempt at distracting us from the real news by floating something that’s laugh out loud impossible, yet designed to be scary enough to get us to forget that it’s laugh out loud impossible. In fact the point is to paralyze the Resistance with fear, so we won’t go out and do the work necessary to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. That, and this kind of gibberish nonsense takes up some of the headline space that would otherwise have gone to Trump’s worsening scandals and troubles.

If you choose to fall for this stunt that Trump and Huckabee are trotting out right now, it’s your own fault. The less attention you give to this desperate stunt, the better. Trump is on his absolute last legs, and he knows it, which is why he’s promoting some doomsday fantasy about 2024, instead of trying to focus on improving his worsening prospects for 2020.

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