Disoriented and confused

Donald Trump was never the most coherent or cogent communicator, to put it politely. But if you’ve been paying attention over the past two and a half years you’ve seen Trump’s cognitive abilities gradually collapse, to the point where he’s turned into an incoherently pale imitation of his former self. Now that Trump feels pressure to put himself out there more often in order to combat the perception that he’s a defendant not a candidate, his senility is becoming more clear to all involved.
On Monday alone, Trump incoherently appeared to claim that Jeb Bush was President of the United States. Trump also claimed that he’s facing Joe Biden in an election five months from now, meaning he either thinks the general election is in February, or he thinks Biden is his Republican primary opponent. And this was just one day.
Trump has also recently claimed that he ran against Barack Obama in 2016, suggested that we’ve only had one World War thus far, and didn’t appear to understand that he was the one who gave Dr. Fauci a medal.
Our friends over at Meidas Touch are referring to Donald Trump as “disoriented and confused,” and that sums it up well. It’s important to remember that while Trump is declining rapidly these days, he’s been senile for quite awhile now. It’s just that during the previous two and a half years, Trump’s handlers mostly kept him out of public view. But anyone who has been paying close attention has seen this coming since early 2021. Trump has been on a harsh downward cognitive spiral ever since he was forced out of office.
Donald Trump isn’t merely misspeaking. These aren’t gaffes. These aren’t occasional senior moments. This is a guy who now says incoherently senile things every time he appears in public. He doesn’t remember who he ran against. He doesn’t appear to remember his time in office. He definitely doesn’t understand who he’s currently running against or how far away the next election is. Trump’s senility is as serious of a story as his criminal trials, and it’s well past time for the mainstream media to start acknowledging that Trump is full blown senile.