Dirty rotten dumpster fire

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When I was a child, I thought adults —ALL adults were people to emulate. I did not and could not, possibly know that some adults were evil. That they were not people to emulate, they were people one would never want to meet, the people of dark alleys, people that if you had the misfortune of coming across, you’d turn around and run for your very life.

Many of these people live within the GOP. Many of them live all across America — and they vote. We haven’t talked enough about the elephant in the room— the voters. The voters — this elusive Group, the Group that consists of many who are pure activists, such as ourselves, but who also consist of evil — pure evil.

We did not know some of these voters existed — until Donald Trump came down that escalator — and these voters crawled out of their hiding places to meet him. I have witnessed such evil on Twitter, and I have witnessed such evil on message boards. I see such evil hiding behind rocks, under logs, wanting to pull us down into the dark tidewaters of their own moral decay.

It is hard to keep one’s innocence when one works in politics. It will be essential, as we go forward, not to let ourselves get bogged down by those who seek to suppress our votes, our voices, pulls us into their own misery.

Make no mistake; misery is what it is. Have you ever seen these people? Of course, you have; you saw them on January 6. Do you think these people live happy lives? Do you think these people run around smiling, chasing the sunlight and the beauty of this thing we call life?

This is not who they are. They want us to be as miserable, as morbid, as gross as they are. Sometimes, the dirty nitty-gritty of politics can make one feel they have lived centuries. I see the fake people.

But I also see good — joyful, passionate good, that blooms like the brightest Lilly the most vivid Hibiscus, the most radiant of orange blossoms. What we must do is simply make sure the people who turn out to vote are THESE people — the flowers of activism, the good and the seekers of truth. That is how we win. Turnout, turnout, turnout.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report