Did Alvin Bragg pull a fast one on Donald Trump?

I want to tell you what some are saying and also say up front I agree with them. Think of the last week or so. Think of all the doom and gloom we heard from the media. Think, too, about the fact that we didn’t think Grand Juries got into the Trump case on Thursdays. And think about all the leaks.

Many are saying Bragg planned it all this way. The reason for that, they are saying is that Bragg reportedly did not want attention on the indictment when he eventually MADE the indictment. He wanted to catch Trump unaware. And he did.

So what this means, if it’s true, is that Bragg is smarter than many ever came him credit for. This is a brilliant strategy. Not just good — brilliant. It caught everyone unaware and was such a good move on the chess board. I tip my hat to the man.

Many people (not Palmer readers) are quick to come forward with anger when things go too slowly. Think about all the animus directed at Merrick Garland. But often, we don’t praise our leaders when they get it right

So I am here today to praise Bragg because he’s got bragging rights. With this indictment, his name will go down in the history books. He set up a finely tuned, well-planned strategy, and it paid off — for all of us.

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