Even Donald Trump’s DHS stooge Chad Wolf is defying him at this point

– Even DHS chief Chad Wolf, widely seen as a Trump loyalist, is now refusing Donald Trump’s order to fire the DHS official who confirmed last night that there was no systemic voting machine hacking. This suggests that Wolf knows it’s over for Trump, and doesn’t want to get himself into potential legal trouble just to keep Trump happy. It also suggests that Wolf believes Trump is now too weak to fire him; we’ll see if that ends up being the case.

– Six more of Trump’s election court cases have been thrown out today. It would seemingly be impossible for Trump to do any worse in court. But now that Rudy Giuliani is in charge, he’ll surely find a way to do even worse in court.

– Why is Trump now putting Rudy in charge? Rudy works for free. Trump knows he’s near the end of his “contesting the election” grift, and he doesn’t want to spend another dollar of it on lawyer fees.

– Speaking of firing people, it’s noteworthy that several days after Donald Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, he hasn’t fired any subsequent recognizable names since. Maybe he’ll get around to it, maybe he won’t. But in hindsight it appears that Trump firing Esper was once again merely an instance of Trump taking out his frustrations, as opposed to some kind of coherent plan. In fact it’s difficult to remember the last time Trump had a coherent plan about anything. He’s not even talented at villainy anymore.

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