Deutsche Bank just came clean on Jeffrey Epstein, and it’s the last thing Donald Trump needs

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Deutsche Bank, which seems to be at the financial center of every Donald Trump scandal, came clean today about what we all already long suspected: it helped facilitate Jeffrey Epstein’s payoffs to his alleged co-conspirators in his serial child rape scheme.

The bank is paying a $150 million fine, which isn’t nearly enough considering what it helped Epstein get away with it. Here’s the thing, though. It’s the New York State Department of Financial Services that’s bringing this penalty, not the federal government. That means Trump can’t do anything to interfere with how this is going to play out. Further, New York says that Deutsche Bank has provided “exemplary cooperation” in the investigation.

This surely means that Deutsche Bank has turned over detailed financial records about these payments to Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged co-conspirators โ€“ meaning that New York State now has a money trail for identifying, investigating, and prosecuting Epstein’s co-conspirators. Epstein and Donald Trump go back decades. This is the last thing Trump needs right now.

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