Donald Trump heightens his desperation to distract us from the big bombshell

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Yesterday, Donald Trump was so desperate to distract us from the big bombshell he thought was about to drop, he did everything from picking a fight with Jeff Sessions, to meeting with Kim Kardashian in the Oval Office. It represented Trump’s most frantic attempt at a distraction to date. But because the bombshell didn’t drop last night or this morning, as Trump seemed to have been expecting, he’s now ramping up his desperation to distract us today.

Today Donald Trump announced that he’s pardoning Dinesh D’Souza, a guy who spreads lies about President Obama for a living, and who was convicted for making illegal campaign donations. This was a clear attempt at firing up his own base. But then, as if to try to play both sides, Trump turned around and announced he might also pardon Martha Stewart and former Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich as well.

Trump also tried for a second time to initiate a war of words with Disney CEO Bob Iger over ABC’s cancelation of Roseanne. By the middle of the afternoon, Trump was reduced to randomly tweeting things with no context like “FAIR TRADE!” We wouldn’t be shocked if, later in the evening, Trump lights his is own shoes on fire and throws them out onto the White House lawn and blames Hillary Clinton for it. He’s just that desperate for a distraction today – any distraction. But why?

Yesterday we learned that Michael Cohen has been recording his conversations with Donald Trump all along, an that he’s been keeping them under lock and key. Now that Cohen’s attorney has admitted in civil court that the tapes exist, the judge may rule that they be immediately turned over to Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti. So the real reason for Trump’s ongoing desperation for a distraction may be that he thinks those tapes may become public at any moment. After all, he knows what he’s said on them, and how bad it is for him.

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