Dementia riddled Donald Trump has left the campaign trail #TrumpIsHiding

A couple weeks ago Donald Trump got headlines by using the word “bloodbath” during a rally speech. What’s gotten very few headlines is that Trump hasn’t done a rally since. If the “bloodbath” remark was intended as a distraction from the fact that Trump’s handlers were pulling him from he campaign trail, it worked.

But there’s no getting around the fact that Trump’s handlers have indeed pulled him from the campaign trail. It’s also fairly obvious that the reason they’ve benched him is that he was embarrassing himself with one dementia riddled rally speech after another.

Now some folks are finally starting to notice that Trump is indeed in hiding, to the point that the hashtag #TrumpIsHiding is trending on Twitter. The more attention this topic gets, the more quickly Trump will be finished off politically. If he’s too dementia riddled to even be on the campaign trail anymore, he’s toast.

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