Donald Trump launches into delusional meltdown

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Donald Trump has spent years espousing blatantly racist remarks and policies, but it took his profane “shithole countries” remark to push the mainstream media to finally begin calling him a racist in exact words. Trump appears to have finally figured out that the controversy is playing poorly for him overall, no matter how much his racist base might cheer him on. Now he’s launching into a delusional meltdown.

Trump tweeted this morning that his “approval ratings with Black Americans has doubled. Thank you, and it will get even (much) better!” This is, of course, a false claim. His approval rating has dropped by roughly ten points overall since he took office, from the forties to the thirties. His approval rating among African-Americans, which was historically low to begin with, has dropped as well. But Trump is intent on convincing himself that his blatant white supremacy is somehow winning over black people.

Trump’s delusional ranting went even further. He tweeted “Do you notice the Fake News Mainstream Media never likes covering the great and record setting economic news, but rather talks about anything negative or that can be turned into the negative. The Russian Collusion Hoax is dead, except as it pertains to the Dems. Public gets it!” Then he added “‘90% of Trump 2017 news coverage was negative’ -and much of it contrived!” This is nothing short of astounding. What “public” is Trump referring to? His approval rating is going down, not up. He’s not winning over any new people, and he’s losing some of the people who were on board with him.

Donald Trump’s racism may play well with his core base, but it costs him his non-base supporters, the ones who have been gradually abandoning him over the past year as his approval rating has dropped from the forties to the thirties. Those non-base supporters are the ones who like to conveniently pretend Trump isn’t actually racist. Trump’s latest racist incident is making it harder for them to keep pretending, meaning some more of them are likely to give up on him.

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