The real reason Robert Mueller’s testimony is being delayed

Special Counsel Robert Mueller turned in his final report several months ago. In fact he ceased being Special Counsel more than a month ago. America has been waiting forever for Mueller to finally come forward and publicly testify before Congress about his investigation into Donald Trump’s crimes. Finally, we received a firm date – except now it’s changing.

Robert Mueller was set to publicly testify on July 17th, which is just a few days from now. But as this week has gone on, there have been grumblings from various members of the multiple House committees participating in the hearing, because the sheer number of questioners means that some of them weren’t going to get nearly as much time as they wanted. It felt like something was going to have to give, and sure enough, now it has.

Most of the headlines are simply announcing that Mueller’s testimony has been delayed from July 17th to July 24th, prompting a number of observers to feel some variation of “here we go again.” After all, delays and postponements have been the only constant, as the Democratic House has tried to get a number of reluctant people to testify about Trump’s crimes. But if you get into the fine print, it turns out the one week delay appears to be a good thing.

Robert Mueller’s testimony is being pushed back a week, according to CNN, so that he can spend more time testifying. Why would this be the case? More testimony means more topics, which means more prep work. It’s just how these things work. If you were hoping for Mueller to spend as much time answering questions as possible, then the week delay should end up being worth it.

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