Michael Cohen’s end of days

Whether or not you care about the fate of Donald Trump’s longtime fixer Michael Cohen, his fate directly impacts Trump’s fate. So if you’re rooting for Trump to take a fall sooner than later, Cohen’s increasingly strange endgame suddenly becomes very important. Considering that Cohen has just announced he’s given an off-camera interview to Good Morning America, things have grown even stranger.

Why is Michael Cohen running around taking selfies with well known Trump detractors like Tom Arnold? Cohen knew the photo would leak, and he knew the kinds of headlines that it would produce, yet he did it anyway. Why did Cohen make a point of objecting to Trump’s abuse of immigrant children in his resignation letter to the Republican National Committee? He knew it would leak, and he knew how it would be interpreted. But his own behavior isn’t nearly as strange as that of his friends.

Over the past two weeks three different news outlets, ABC News, CNN, and NBC News, have all reported that Michael Cohen’s friends think he’s planning to flip. They wouldn’t be printing this unless Cohen’s friends were giving them this information directly. Are they trying to create a self fulfilling prophecy because they want him to flip? Or is he sending them to the press, telling them to leak that he’s about to flip, because he wants that narrative out there? After all, this is the guy who’s running around taking selfies with Tom Arnold, trying to publicly distance himself from Trump as definitively as he can.

Then we’ve got Michael Cohen posting a tweet this week, insisting that he never colluded with the Russians. He’s not denying that the Trump-Russia scandal happened; he’s only denying that he was a part of it. He’s about to be arrested on an initial batch of charges relating to financial impropriety that may not even be connected to Trump-Russia, but he’s focused on publicly defending himself on the treason stuff. Cohen will flip within days, or he’ll be arrested within days. In the mean time, his end of days keeps getting stranger.

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