Damaged beyond repair

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Let’s do a little word association. What do you think of when I write the words: Puppies. Kittens. No doubt many of you think something like “cute.” Or “playful.” Or “adorable.” How about these words: winning. Democrats. Ahead. That might put smiles on your faces and might make you feel a bit galvanized.

Now — what do you think of when I write THESE words: “Happy Fourth of July to our highly incapable President, who uses prosecutors to go after his political opponent. ”

Hmm. Those words were written by someone (Could it be inmate number PO1135809) as a Happy Fourth of July message. July 4 is all about remembrance, only for Trump All HE seems to remember is his own fake victimhood.

“The corrupt prosecutors are working hard for Crooked Joe.” This is the felon’s fourth of July message. Do you know what word reverberates through this writer’s brain when I see shit like this? DAMAGE.

Damage is a word that holds much significance for this writer. It is one of my all-time favorite books. Damage, written by Josephine Hart, is Shakespearean in nature, and is about deeply damaged people.

My favorite quote from this book? “Beware of damaged people. They know they can survive.” This is Trump’s touchstone — damage. He always thought he could survive breaking the law and escaping the self-induced messes he had made.

But now it has caught up with him. Now, the sharp, blood red, stinging damage is spilling forth from him as we see it in a Fourth Of July message that to this writer seems like it could have been written by a mental patient. Or by someone very damaged.

Trump also proceeded to insult VP Harris, I will not post those words here because they are too sickening. Damaged. Donald Trump has been damaged for a very long time. This isn’t new. He has done so many illegal things and committed so many sins that naming all of them would likely take me 100 pages—or more.

But for now, as we observe this holiday. as we watch sparklers and Roman candles light the sky up with their delightful colors, as we see family and friends and enjoyed food and conversation, we must make a note to tell all undecided voters, and tell them — tell them — tell them:

That Donald John Trump is damaged — damaged beyond repair. And he would do so much damage to our country because that’s what damaged people do. They push their damage onto the innocent bystanders. Donate to Palmer Report, click here!

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report