Donald Trump just cut and ran

There are some things you can only do once. When Donald Trump got flustered earlier this year because White House correspondents Kaitlan Collins and Weijia Jiang were doing their jobs during a press conference, he stormed off like a buffoon. It wasn’t a good look for him to begin with. But the first time you do something like that, there’s at least something of a mysterious air about it. Then today happened.

Donald Trump once again didn’t like it because Kaitlan Collins was doing her job. She wouldn’t let Trump skate on his non-answer about why he’s retweeting medical advice from a quack doctor who believes in things like “demon spawn” and “alien DNA.” So Trump cut and ran again.

This time it was just plain embarrassing for him. How many times can the President of the United States run away in the middle of a press conference because the questions are too hard for him? The first time was a singularity. The second time makes it a pattern. If Trump can’t handle a tough but fair question from a journalist, he needs to resign. The fact that he can’t handle being challenged by a woman is even more embarrassing for him. He’s just pathetic.

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