Crime and punishment

Picture a sunken tropical garden. This garden is awash in vivid color and fragrant blooms. It’s so delicate, so effervescent, it looks like it could float away on a cloud. Then the groundskeeper comes in. Only he doesn’t want to preserve the delightful and lush garden of flowers. He wants to destroy them.

And the groundskeeper tries with all his might to do just that. He doesn’t see the beauty, you see. He can’t. He sees only darkness. Luckily, he is prevented from doing too much damage by others who haul him away and ensure the crazed wizard of destruction is never allowed in again. This little story is about America — and the wrongs Donald Trump tried to do to it.

He was stopped before the damage became too bad — he was stopped by you — and me. And now he waits. He waits, and he simmers. You see, the final part of the story is starting. The punishment is beginning. In reality, that mad groundskeeper I spoke of would have been punished for his attempt to destroy such beauty. And it looks like Donald Trump’s punishment is creeping ever closer.

He knows it too, which is why he went bonkers on truth social the other day and started babbling about how he did nothing wrong with his phone call to the secretary of state in Georgia. Donald once again said it was a “perfect call.”

He’s getting nervous, you see. The the screws are tightening. Georgia district attorney Fanni Willis has said charging decisions are “imminent.” She told a judge that on Tuesday morning, explaining why she did not want the Grand Jury to report released.

This story is all over the news, and I fully expect Donald Trump to have heard about it. He can’t possibly be happy. His crazed meltdowns this week have been even more deranged than usual, so perhaps he had an idea.

So keep your eyes open and stay tuned. These decisions could happen at any time. That is, of course, not including all the OTHER investigations into Trump. Donald Trump attempted to destroy America in so many different ways. He failed. We have begun to right his many wrongs. Now it is time for the next phase — where crimes occur, punishment must follow, and now we are moving into the stage of crime and punishment.

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