Donald Trump comes crashing down from his “total exoneration” high

Just a few days ago, Donald Trump was defiantly yelling around about how he’d been “totally exonerated” by the Mueller report, how he’d never been happier, and how everything was now magically great for him and his presidency. To anyone who had actually read the report, which was damning for Trump and ensured that he’ll eventually end up in prison, Trump sounded like he was high on something. Now Trump is coming crashing down from that high – and it isn’t pretty.

Right at 6am eastern time this morning, Donald Trump began letting us know just how badly things are crashing and burning for him. He lashed out at respected economist Paul Krugman (“He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is”), the New York Times (“they will have to get down on their knees & beg for forgiveness”), MSNBC host Morning Joe (“Angry, Dumb and Sick … Morning Psycho”), and others. Each tweet was more utterly deranged than the last.

This comes after Trump posted roughly thirty tweets and retweets yesterday, reaching into the bottom of the barrel for anyone and anything that promoted him, no matter how embarrassing. Trump also attacked Twitter today, randomly claiming that he has 100 million followers when he really only has 59 million followers, and blaming it on some kind of conspiracy because “hard for people to sign on.” We’re left to wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that Trump’s nemesis, President Obama, does in fact have just over 100 million followers.

In any case, it’s becoming more clear by the hour that Donald Trump has figured out how bad the Mueller report is for him, and he’s figured out how much trouble he’s in. The subpoena of Mueller report star witness Don McGahn to testify in public House hearings, along with increasing buzz about impeachment, probably helped clue Trump in to the fact that his “totally exonerated” mantra is more like “totally screwed.”

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