“Country Threatening Treason”

As senile criminal defendant Donald Trump becomes more and more politically non-viable, the entire mainstream media is bending over further and further backwards to try to prop him up. We keep seeing it time and again, from the softball Meet The Press interview, to this weekend’s rigged poll from ABC News and the Washington Post. But the more the media conspires with Trump to try to keep him in the game, the more viciously Trump is attacking and threatening the media.

Trump is now demanding that NBC News be investigated for its “Country Threatening Treason” โ€“ whatever that’s supposed to mean. He also appears to be threatening to take NBC off the air. Don’t worry, Trump, no one will make you watch NBC when you’re in prison.

But in all seriousness, Trump is making such a big show of demonizing the mainstream media because he’s trying to distract everyone from the fact that the mainstream media is so deeply in his pocket. The media knows that the public can see that Trump is completely washed up and on his way to prison. But the media wants to keep getting ratings out of Trump until the bitter end, so it’s trying to portray him as more viable than ever.

If anything the mainstream media is fraudulently conspiring with Donald Trump to try prop him up on his way down. Not that it’s going to save him. He’s finished. But the entire mainstream media needs to be reformed from top to bottom.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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