Mike Pompeo just confessed

Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal has reached the point where someone has to be scapegoated, in a last ditch futile effort at making the scandal go away. The State Department Inspector General looks set to expose criminal activity on the part of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during his congressional briefing today, and so curiously enough, Pompeo is now incrementally confessing.

Mike Pompeo just told reporters this morning that he was in fact on Donald Trump’s fateful phone call with the president of Ukraine. Not only does this expose Pompeo as being knee deep in this scandal, and as someone who has been dishonest in the name of covering the whole thing up, it also exposes Pompeo to potential criminal culpability. So what’s going on?

We can’t imagine Mike Pompeo would have essentially confessed to a crime this morning, unless Donald Trump ordered him to confess. It’s looking more and more like Trump is trying to set up Pompeo as the fall guy for all of this. That’s not surprising, for a few reasons.

First, Donald Trump is left having to essentially choose whether to fire Bill Barr or Mike Pompeo in a last ditch effort at shifting the blame away from himself – and he still needs Barr to keep promoting his phony conspiracy theories. Second, Trump’s pal Rudy Giuliani seems intent on taking Pompeo down in the name of himself, and we’d guess Trump is choosing Rudy over Pompeo.

Third, if the IG really does tell Congress today that Mike Pompeo illegally sought to retaliate against State Department employees who wanted to cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry, then Pompeo will become such damaged goods, he’ll be of little use to Trump going forward anyway. At this rate, will Pompeo last the week?

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