Donald Trump and the desperate last gasp of the Confederacy

The civil war never ended. The anti-American sentiment of the Confederacy has been passed down through generations, and 160 years later they’re still seeking revenge against America. Donald Trump isn’t the President of the United States. He’s the President of the Confederacy. It’s important to note that the Confederacy is no longer defined by its original states or borders. Families move around over the generations. Hatred filters down indirectly. While the Confederacy is still very much intact, it’s loosely spread across the entire United States.

We’re at a point where white privilege isn’t good for as much mileage as it used to be, and white people are about to finally cease being a majority in America. The remnants of the Confederacy know they’re running out of time to get their revenge against the United States.

The Confederates have been looking for a new leader for awhile. They’ve backed every extremist goon who’s pandered to them by pushing racist and anti-United States sentiments. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, etc. But none of them succeeded. They lucked out with Trump. Doesn’t matter that he’s a carpetbagger from New York, or that he’s funded by the Kremlin. Facts don’t matter to those who are fanatically seeking revenge.

The Trump cult represents the last desperate gasp of the Confederacy. They’re looking to destroy the United States and its ideals, just like last time. They’ll lose, just like last time. And once defeated, they’ll go silent for a generation, just like last time. Take a look at all the progress and reform the United States accomplished from 1870 to 1908. Thats because after the war, conservatives felt defeated and largely checked out for a generation. If we put in the work and defeat Trump in 2020, we’re looking at another progressive era.

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