“Completely bonkers nonsense”

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There is something quite fascinating in hearing the Supreme Court argue a case. I caught much of the oral arguments regarding the Colorado ballot case. As far as I’m concerned, it’s over. Trump’s name will be on the ballot.

It was always going to be, but the lawyer for Colorado did the case no favors. I felt it was a rather sloppy presentation, and based on comments from both Democratic and Republican Justices, it seems they did too.

However, for me, the real story is what happened AFTER the hearing was over. Donald Trump spoke about the arguments. He was on his way to Nevada and stopped to talk to reporters. And once again, Trump’s demented brain peeked out and gave a wave and a smile to the reporters milling around.

Trump, looking a bit scowly, announced the one who REALLY caused the January 6 insurrection was Nancy Pelosi.

“COMPLETELY BONKERS NONSENSE!” That statement comes from CNN. Some TV personalities appeared stunned by Trump’s latest rant. I’m not. This is because Trump is VERY skilled in self-sabotage. At a time when the subject matter COULD have been how he’d likely win his case, Trump once again made it all about his bizarre and rambling statements. This is not the first time this has happened, and it certainly will not be the last.

“Praise to CNN for the fact check, but it’s like checking to see if the sun rises in the west.” This is from social media. Many are, in fact, right now, chattering about Trump’s lame attempt to blame Pelosi.

Now the question becomes – why did Trump say that? Could he have meant Nikki Haley? I mean, Trump DOES NOT appear to understand who’s who in that regard. We know that because he has confused the two before.

So perhaps he got confused and meant to say Haley. The fact that Nikki Haley was nowhere near the Capitol and had nothing to do with anything that happened there, is neither here nor there for Donald Trump.

Perhaps he meant someone else entirely. Who knows the places his brain goes? Not I , (nor would I really WANT to know.) But the fact is that Trump is so off on another realm, that he could have meant ANYONE or anything, really.

Perhaps Trump was just trying to pin the blame on someone else. Or perhaps my friends, perhaps his mental decline is the culprit. Whatever the reason, Trump took the energy out of the room by changing the focus of the chatter to himself and his inane verbal gaffes, which seem to be happening with more and more regularity these days.

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