Clarence Thomas fumbles his attempt at a defense

If you had a choice, readers of two wonderful vacations to go on, and you could only choose one, which would you choose? I will describe both of these enchanting vacations. You then pick the one you’d choose.

Vacation number one:

A trip to a lavish tropical island. You would be ensconced in stunning beauty here, with your own private beach house steps from the shore.

You would eat breakfast beside the sea, watching dolphins joyously leap from the sea-spray. You would enjoy delicious food, fresh and yummy, as you feasted your eyes on luscious tropical plants, friendly smiling people, and felt the balmy sprays of the sea teasing you in its playfulness.


Hanging out in a Walmart parking lot, people-watching.

I ask you this, readers, because according to one Clarence Thomas, in a documentary about him made years ago, he chose vacation number two. Explaining that he’s a simple man of “regular stock,” Thomas said Europe and beaches really didn’t hold much interest for him. He prefers being a regular Joe. Hanging out at Walmart, people watching, mingling with regular Walmart shoppers.

Clarence Thomas was lying. Clarence Thomas likes to lie — he likes to do that a lot. One stands little chance of exiting a Walmart, walking toward the parking lot, and encountering Clarence and Ginny watching you (shudder.) I am not sure either of them has ever even been to Walmart. Thomas now has all eyes on him as he tries to defend himself.

No, not me, Clarence insists. He was TOLD not to report the trips. I’ll bet. Anyone who believes THAT (And most Maga probably do) has a screw loose. But I’ll tell you something. I think Thomas is rattled.

Clarence Thomas NEVER puts out statements. He believes he’s above the law, above all of us. Time and again, he’s ignored the incoming, so why not now? I think we got to him. I think he realized — this was a question that must be answered. Clarence and ALL the Justices must be a little more shaken than usual.

That’s because they must see how Republicans are losing elections. And they know if we keep and expand the senate — hello to court reform. Thomas might also be legitimately afraid of any investigations coming his way. That’s why I believe he spoke up.

And he’s right to be worried. The story of the supreme court and Thomas, in particular, is grim. But perhaps the Walmart-loving justice had a glimmer of doubt that told him nobody is above the law, even him.

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