Chris Licht’s CNN apocalypse is now fully underway

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In the wake of the Brutal profile of CNN CEO Chris Licht, the CNN Apocalicht has begun. Many have been left reeling. It isn’t just the fact that Licht was grossly unqualified for the task at hand. It’s much more than that.

Reportedly, many of the workers within CNN — from high up to rank and file — could not believe what they were reading. Nor could they believe that Chris Licht gave a journalist so much unfettered access.

Of course, Licht is being savaged. This piece, which many have suggested is Pulitzer-worthy, goes into such detail that it would be virtually impossible to look at Licht in the same way, after reading it.

A few of the things that seem to particularly upset people are: Licht made fun of how the old CNN covered Covid. He mimicked the coverage, projecting false hysteria and openly laughing at what Licht deemed unfair coverage of Covid which he felt skewed too far to the left.

Now I don’t believe that in regards to Covid, there ever should have been a right or left, but the Republicans made sure there was. However, Licht’s gross mimicking of the coverage in the Zucker era reportedly infuriated many inside the network.

Also enraging to many was the removal of the Trump chyron. Shortly before the Trump town hall, CNN producers demanded the removal of a chyron that held the words “sexual assault.”

It is making many wonders if a deal had been struck to go easy on Trump. Licht denies that.

Many are also seemingly baffled by Licht’s obsession with Jeff Zucker. Alberta wrote of a day when Licht was working out with his trainer.

Exhausted and bleary with fatigue, Licht remarked how Zucker wold never be able to work out the way he (Licht) was, giving readers a glimpse into a mind apparently consumed with Zucker-envy and competition.

Dylan Byers of Puck was mentioned a bit in the profile. Reportedly, Licht became obsessed with Puck’s coverage of him, convinced that Zucker and Byers were in cohoots to give him lousy coverage.

I am a reader of Puck, and might I just say that Byers is a quality reporter whose pieces have been entirely fair to Licht.

Byers and others have reported that David Leavy is to take over the business side of CNN. This leaves Licht with much less power. Byers says:

“In the last 48 hours, it has become clear, based on conversations with well-placed sources, that Zazlav’s once steadfast support has wavered considerably.” Brian Stelter, formerly of CNN, says Licht has not apologized and that staff is growing “increasingly angry.” It is a humiliating come-down for Licht. It is the take-down of the decade.

I say this because I cannot remember EVER reading a piece that takes someone down so seamlessly, with no harsh words, just the truth, written in long-form Journalistic flawlessness — the kind of flawlessness Licht wanted CNN to have, which makes all this doubly ironic.

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