Donald Trump’s immigrant child concentration camp scandal takes a particularly ugly turn

This past week, the horrid conditions in Donald Trump’s immigrant child concentration camp in Homestead, Florida were publicly exposed. Such conditions have already been documented in Trump’s other similar camps in other states, so this news was disturbing but not surprising. Now, things in Homestead have taken a newly disturbing direction.

In apparent response to the public learning just how awful the Homestead concentration camp is, the Trump regime is abruptly shutting it down. The immigrant children being held hostage there were all taken away in vans under cover of darkness early Saturday morning, and according to the Miami Herald newspaper, no one knows where they were taken.

First of all, just how horrible are the conditions in this camp that the Trump regime is immediately shutting it down? This tells us that things on the inside were even uglier than had been exposed, and that the regime is trying to cover its tracks so that the true extent of the horrors never does come to light.

Second, it’s particularly ominous that the Trump regime won’t say what city or cities the immigrant children have been taken to. Presumably, the goal is to make it harder for the media, the public, and the Democrats to track down the new concentration camps and expose the conditions there as well.

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