Bon voyage, Ron DeSantis!

Under the sweeping blue of the ocean, in its watery depths, there are mountains. There are mountains and coral reefs and hot springs. The floor of the ocean is filled with minerals, rock, and so very many sea creatures who call it home. “Our natural resources are being destroyed!”

This cry came from someone close to me — someone well acquainted with the beauty of the ocean’s floor — another child of the sea who knows the Florida waters well. And she is grieving because right now, these beautiful seas are in trouble. They’re flooding, and there is little sign of Ron DeSantis in the distance.

Perhaps he’s receded like the last wave — determined that nothing will interfere with his presidential run — even the destruction of something that matters most. As I write these words, DeSantis is in Japan, seemingly impervious to the cries echoing from the Florida coast.

HELP US. There has been a record amount of rainfall in Florida. The state needs help — its seas are in turmoil. President Biden is expected to sign a federal disaster declaration. Broward County, in particular, has been on the receiving end of such flooding.

More than 2 feet of rain fell not so gently into the Florida night. Homes were damaged. Schools and airports were closed. Residents of Fort Lauderdale have been highly critical of the Governor and, who, as of the time of this writing, haven’t even bothered to visit the flooded communites.

“He’s the governor,” one woman said. “He should be interested and on point with what’s going on.” Well — he doesn’t seem to be. Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida and possible presidential candidate has spent more time chasing Mickey Mouse than dealing with the historic flooring. Ron DeSantis has failed once again the people of Florida.

“Incompetence,” one woman remarked. Where ARE you, DeSantis? Do you even give a damn? This is YOUR state. Florida and its natural resources are YOUR responsibility. So damn well, ACT like it and do something to help your people rather than obsessing about a mouse.

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