Bon voyage Mike Johnson!

There is a real possibility that Mike Johnson will not be long for the House Speakership. At first, I was skeptical. Would Republicans REALLY remove him so soon? I did not think so. I thought it was all talk. It may not be.

The rumble of discontent is growing louder and louder and louder, like an oncoming train. Now, one person has changed their mind about supporting Johnson. This person is Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“I have absolutely had it!!” Greene has pulled her support from Johnson. This is a very big deal. Believe it or not, the screaming Harridan has sway in the GOP House Caucus.

Greene and many others are furious that Johnson is, as they call it, “negotiating with Democrats” to keep the government open. Remember — remember that this caucus is a circus act, living in insurrection supporting cages, whose sole ambition is to scream and to cackle to get innocent passersby to look at them. That is all they are.

But because of that pesky little rule — the motion to vacate the Chair — this ousting could happen. Any sensible person would surely ask: why? Why do Republicans keep ejecting the Speakers?

My answer? It comes back to the circus again. These people want a spectacle, a ghoulish extravaganza. They do not give a damn about getting anything done. This is the Republicans’ cross to bear. I will make a prediction. That prediction is by the time the election rolls around people will be asking: ‘Mike WHO?”

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