New bombshell reveals Robert Mueller is much further ahead than anyone thought

Just last night, Palmer Report pointed out that Robert Mueller’s lack of visible moves over the past five weeks has actually been a sign of how much progress he’s been making. The lack of arrests since the Michael Flynn plea deal means that Mueller is still finding success in negotiating deals with even bigger fish; if he were arresting them it would be a sign that he no longer believes he can get them to agree to a deal. Now comes a bombshell new revelation which reveals Mueller is significantly further along than anyone – including us – believed.

Several major news outlets are reporting today that Mueller has sought an interview with Donald Trump himself, and that Trump has tentatively agreed. The interview is supposed to take place within the next few weeks. It’s a big deal that Trump is apparently willing to participate voluntarily, because it’s likely he’ll get caught lying to investigators (a felony), and he’ll likely give away things that he shouldn’t. But there is even bigger news in all of this.

In these kinds of multi-layered criminal scandals, investigators don’t want to interview the “big dog” or kingpin until the very end. By that time they want to already have enough evidence in hand to know for certain if the kingpin is telling the truth or lying. Mueller’s desire to interview Trump within the next few weeks means that he’s already finished with the remaining underlings; he’s gotten what he needs to get from them in order to take his big swing at the big dog.

Does this mean that the likes of Jared Kushner or Donald Trump Jr have already cut deals against Donald Trump? Not necessarily. But it’s extraordinarily difficult to imagine Robert Mueller wanting to move on to Trump unless he’s gotten something from them – unless Flynn gave up so much on Trump that Mueller doesn’t need anything more. Either way, this means Mueller truly is gearing up to take on Trump himself.

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