Well that just blew up in Bill Barr’s face

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Hours after Donald Trump fired the Secretary of Defense earlier this week, Attorney General Bill Barr came out of hiding and suddenly announced a “probe” into supposed election irregularities. At the time, Palmer Report pointed out that Barr was obviously only announcing this in order to avoid being the next to get fired, and that it was unlikely to go any further than Barr’s last several dead-end probes. We just didn’t expect it to go nowhere this quickly.

Sixteen U.S. Attorneys, all of whom were specifically assigned to monitor the 2020 election, have sent Bill Barr a letter confirming that there is no evidence of any election irregularities. In other words, all that Barr has done is to cause even more public officials to come out of the woodwork to confirm that Donald Trump’s election defeat was entirely legitimate. This was never going anywhere to begin with, but now it’s over.

– Prior to his press conference today, the President of the United States had spent the past week in hiding and had been communicating with the public through Geraldo Rivera. That’s not a sentence that feels like it could possibly ever be true under any circumstances, and yet it is.

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