Donald Trump goes berserk and accuses Bill Barr of being part of the conspiracy against him

– Donald Trump used his Fox News call-in on Sunday to insist that Bill Barr is part of the massive conspiracy against him. That’s right, Bill Barr. His top remaining henchman. That’s how bad it’s gotten for Trump. Come to think of it, Barr needs a pardon in order to avoid being charged with felony obstruction of justice. Is Barr’s pardon now in danger?

– President-elect Joe Biden announced on Sunday evening that he twisted his ankle while playing with his dog. Best wishes to him on his recovery. Meanwhile, how refreshing is it to have a President who’s honest with us about his health? And how refreshing is it to have a President who would actually play with a dog?

– Now that Wisconsin has completed its recount in both counties that Trump paid for, it means Joe Biden has won Wisconsin again. We’d all be better of if Trump would just give up and leave now. But since he’s insisting on fighting this until the bitter end, I am not getting tired of winning.

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