The biggest mistake of Donald Trump’s life

It is becoming more clear by the day that Donald Trump realizes the extent of his mistake of having decided to run for president. As he rode down the escalator on June 16, 2015, and proceeded to insult Mexicans, little did he foresee the ultimate result of what he put in motion. After living a life of crime, as taught at an early age by his father, Trump believed he was bulletproof. He managed to make a fortune through laundering money in his casinos. Later, after multiple bankruptcies, he found that Russia would continue pumping money into his business, despite American banks refusing to finance him.

In 2008, Trump’s son, Don Jr., made the public statement that they no longer required American money because their plans were being financed by Russia. That statement would come back to haunt the Trump family. Trump used his learned television theatrics to make the false claim that he was separating himself from his personal business, utilizing a lawyer and hundreds of empty manila folders.

Perhaps this show convinced some people, but most intelligent people noticed that it was simply just more lies from a lifelong conman. President Jimmy Carter was forced to sell his beloved peanut farm in order to achieve the presidency. The fact that Trump refused to release his tax returns – the first nominee from either party in a generation – speaks volumes to how Trump actually cares about transparency.

Donald Trump could have possibly lived out his privileged life, despite his massive corruption and money laundering. Yet he decided to run for the highest office in America – and it shows just how far from reality Trump really is. He could have continued to live his life of crime, while receiving fines and slaps on the wrist, yet he chose to put himself and his family more under public scrutiny. This is not the decision of a smart man. And for his faults, he and his family will certainly pay the price.

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