Melania Trump’s new initiative immediately and hilariously blows up in her face

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Whether by impeachment or forced resignation, Donald Trump’s ouster from office is coming. But if Melania Trump wants to use her brief remaining time in power to try to help out kids, we’re all for it. The trouble: she rolled out an initiative to help kids survive the negatives of social media, without acknowledging that her husband is the most vicious social media bully of his generation. Worse, she’s using an idiotic slogan consisting of two words that don’t even go together. The whole thing has promptly blown up in her face.

Melania Trump decided on this slogan for her initiative: “be best.” Huh? That sounds like the name of a singer from a boy band. Is she saying Justin Bieber is best? Maybe she meant “be the best.” We’re not sure. The jokes and punchlines came so swiftly that “be best” ended up being the top trending topic on Twitter, and not for the reasons Melania was hoping.

Graphic designer Tom Adelsbach quickly put together a video in which Melania Trump was giving her “be best” speech while Donald Trump stood behind her doing his infamous routine mocking a disabled reporter. Comedian Whitney Cummings posted this quip: “Is she just approaching grammar the way her husband approaches being the president?” Palmer Report tried to figure out if it was grammatically possible to use “be best” in a proper sentence, and all we could come up with as “It would be best if Donald Trump resigned.”

The idiotic slogan aside, the real upshot here is that Melania Trump’s initiative is likely to have no impact. She’s been talking about an anti-cyberbullying campaign since last year, but no such campaign ever materialized. In any case, at the rate Donald Trump’s criminal scandals are going, we don’t expect Donald and Melania to be in the White House long enough for “be best” to go anywhere anyway.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report