Donald Trump swings and misses and punches himself in the face

“President” Donald Trump cannot be wrong, ever, about anything. In his latest, it is the “Art of the Snow Job” by Trump. Last week, he railed about how our economy was the only one working and that the “Fake News” media was spreading lies. But in reality, he was (and still is) panicking about the economy and the chances that it will implode, and that his last hope of reelection will be gone. He has been attacking Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell every day, suggesting he should make more drastic interest rate cuts. The problem is, there is no bag of economic tricks left for Trump.

Interest rates are not high to begin with, with the Federal Reserve rate at 2.25%. Tax cuts were given in late 2017, but not to the average worker, and that cost a trillion or more while doing nothing for the economy. So, he has nothing but a big bundle of economic lies to market to the nation. When Trump is cornered, and with his low energy brain, the only solution for him is to attack everyone else.

On Twitter today, as the stock market was tanking after he tweeted that American companies should stop doing business with China, Trump blamed the drop on Seth Moulton, who had just announced his withdrawal from the 2020 presidential race. No, that is not an Onion headline. Trump tweeted: “The Dow is down 573 points perhaps on the news that Representative Seth Moulton, whoever that may be, has dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Race!”

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell was picked by Trump, but Trump is now suggesting that Powell is a greater enemy to the United States than Chinese Chairman Xi, tweeting: “My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?” We should buckle up, because the bundle of economic lies is about to get bigger, and our president is more dangerously attacking our citizens while selling out the nation.

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