Bad news for Kari Lake and Kyrsten Sinema

Of all the U.S. Senate races in 2024, the one in Arizona promises to be the most surreal. Incumbent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, a former Democrat and now a Registered Independent, is exceedingly unpopular but still insists she’ll seek reelection. Kari Lake, a punchline even within her own party, appears to be on track for the Republican nomination. And then there’s popular Democratic candidate Ruben Gallego.

What’s this circus going to look like by November? We don’t know. Sinema is doing so little in her reelection effort, there’s reason to believe she might not end up running – or might run in name only, so she can keep fundraising on her way to a loss. Lake is such a disaster, the Chair of the Arizona Republican Party was recently caught on tape trying to compensate her in exchange for dropping out.

How does this three ring circus shake out in terms of numbers? We all know that the polls have their problems these days. But the latest Emerson poll has Ruben Gallego winning by six points in a three-way race, and by seven points in a two-way race. Other polls in recent months have had Gallego ahead by much smaller margins, but have still had him ahead.

So it looks like the Democratic Party has the edge in the 2024 Senate race in Arizona whether it ends up being a two-way or three-way race. These numbers are bad news both for Sinema, who might as well drop out at this point, and for Lake, who would make for a very weak Republican nominee.

Of course the polls can’t be fully trusted, and statewide elections in Arizona tend to come down to the wire. So it’ll be absolutely crucial to donate and volunteer for Democratic candidate Ruben Gallego, no matter what state you live in. This race could come down to the wire, but it’s a great opportunity to replace Sinema with a real Democrat while also taking down Kari Lake. Let’s go win this one.

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