Bad news for Donald Trump in Iowa

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What a terrible week it’s been for Donald Trump. And there will be plenty more where that came from. Trump is experiencing the fallout from his life of grift and crime, and when the process of such a fallout begins, there isn’t any way back from it.

And now the orange wasp has got more bad news. And it concerns the state of Iowa. A new poll is out regarding the Iowa republican caucus, and in that poll, only 20% of Republican respondents say they will ONLY vote for Trump.

And 48% say they are choosing between Trump and other Iowa candidates. Thirty-One percent say they’re not voting for Trump at all. Almost 80 percent of Iowa Republican caucus goers are not sold on Donald Trump.

An angry and boiling-over Donald Trump will likely laugh at this poll. It is bound to be called fake news and a fake poll. Only it isn’t. And other recent polls have said similar things.

This means that Donnie is NOT, contrary to what he says, the undisputed favorite to win Iowa. Not at all I still maintain Trump will not be the nominee. I still think he’ll drop at some point. But this poll is awful news for the chief executive of insurrections.

The winds of Iowa are blowing AWAY from the traitor. This sets up an interesting scenario and begs the answer to a question. Let’s say Trump remains in the race until Iowa. And Iowa has its caucus. And Trump loses, as I suspect he will. What will be Trump’s reaction?

If we go by experience, Trump will refuse to accept the election results. He’ll go mad, running to truth social and demanding a recount. He certainly will not say “Congratulations Christie” or “Good job Pence.”

And picture — picture if you can, the mess that would be made and that Republicans would have to speak out on. Imagine Trump ranting and raving, saying the Iowa caucus was stolen from him, and he plans to take it to the Supreme Court.

Now, this all might not happen. But there is a good chance that such a thing would. It would be incredible to watch, would it not, if Trump accused HIS OWN PARTY of stealing the action?

And accuse he would because in the head of Trump lurks many mountains — vast and infinite mountains of shit — bullshit — that never gets appeased and which nobody can see the end of because there IS no end.

And after the Iowa caucus, if indeed Trump loses, those shit-stained mountains will do a downward dog, storming down on hapless Republicans.

As I said, this is ALL speculative. We have no real way of knowing WHAT will happen in Iowa.

But Iowa DOES have a delicious way of surprising us, doesn’t she? Iowa is the most politically unpredictable of states. Anything at all is possible in Iowa. And this scenario that I’ve described? It has a very high chance of happening.

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