Bad news for Benjamin Netayahu

The Israel-Hamas war is a complex situation, leaving President Joe Biden in the tricky situation of having to defend Israel against a terrorist attack while trying to find a way to nudge corrupt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu out the door. It turns out that may be looking more realistic.

When a nation is under military or terrorist attack or at war, it can often prompt that nation’s citizens to at least temporarily rally around their current leader, even if many or most of them think their leader is an idiot and fault him for making the nation vulnerable to begin with (for instance George W. Bush after 9/11).

But that’s clearly not the case for Netanyahu. One new poll says that 76% of Israel’s population wants him gone from power, with just 18% wanting him to remain in power. Any one poll always has to be taken with a grain of salt. But even if this poll is, say, ten points off, it’s still terrible news for Netanyahu.

So now we see if Biden and other world leaders can use Netanyahu’s overwhelming unpopularity to indeed nudge him out of power. At this point Netanyahu doesn’t have much leverage left.

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