Here comes Michael Cohen’s avalanche of incriminating evidence against Donald Trump

Precisely what game is Michael Cohen playing against Donald Trump? Perhaps only he knows for sure. Thus far this week Cohen has publicly released a tape which incriminated them both, and he may have sabotaged his own plea deal leverage in the process. Then came the report that Cohen is willing to testify that Donald Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance. Now Cohen is apparently prepping a far more damaging barrage against Trump.

It very much appears that Michael Cohen feels so betrayed by Donald Trump, he’s willing to set himself on fire just to make sure Trump burns. It’s still far from clear who gave the story to CNN about him being willing to testify about the Trump Tower meeting. But what matters is that Cohen’s camp isn’t denying the story’s accuracy, which means that it’s true. So we know that Cohen is going around telling people privately about Trump’s ugliest criminal secrets. He’s about to begin doing so in much more public fashion.

Cohen is now telling his friends that “there’s a lot more to come” after the initial tape he released, and that he’s sitting on a “treasure trove” of additional incriminating information about Trump, according to a lengthy new Vanity Fair profile. We might be tempted to accuse Cohen of being full of hot air and empty promises, if not for the fact that he did go ahead and leak the first Trump-Cohen tape.

So why doesn’t Michael Cohen just go cut a plea deal against Donald Trump already? This looks like it’s intensely personal to him. He’s spent a lifetime being loyal to Trump, and now that he’s in a jam because of Trump’s antics, Trump is hanging him out to dry. It takes a long time for a plea deal to take someone down, as evidenced by Michael Flynn’s plea deal last year, which is still ongoing, but still has yet to finish Trump off. Cohen appears to be intent on taking the more direct route of simply leaking evidence of Trump’s guilt until his failing presidency collapses as a result.

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