August and everything after

August is often the hottest month of the year. August is golden, it’s tawny, a time of trips to the beach to keep August’s heat at bay, a time of children getting ready to go back to school.
August is laughter and backyard barbecues, of sun-kissed, meltingly hot days as we celebrate her heat, the last heat until the cool crispiness of September moved in. August can be sweltering for some people. It might be VERY, VERY hot for Donald John Trump. It might be scorching for him.
For that is when Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has told Judges to keep their schedule and trials clear. It’s when about 70 percent of her staff will be working remotely. It’s when Donald Trump just might be, indicted. Oh, August, August, you cannot come soon enough!
“I respectfully request that judges not schedule trials and in-person hearings during the weeks beginning Monday, August 7, and Monday, August 14,” Willis wrote to local judges and law enforcement officers.
This might be it, people! This is a huge sign. And not just for Trump. There are others we know to be under investigation in Georgia, like Rudy. Who will be indicted? Who will need to hire even more attorneys?
This is the clearest sign yet we’ve had that an indictment is forthcoming. And how symbolic it is that it should possibly happen in August! The hottest of summer days, the time the temperatures climb upward.
The heat, in the fashion of August days everywhere, is climbing up, up upward for Donald Trump. Now he has August to look forward to, and in the meantime, he must suffer the anxiety o not knowing. If winter was the month of his discontent, August will be the month of his horror — the month his deepest, darkest, most terrifying fear just might come to fruition.