Insider expects Donald Trump’s assets will be seized while he’s still in office

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With each passing hour, we learn about new past and present felonies committed by Donald Trump, and new criminal investigations into those crimes. This increasingly raises the question of just how legal justice will be served to a guy who is illegally occupying the office of President of the United States after having treasonously rigged the election. Two words come into play: asset seizures.

For some time now, Palmer Report has expected the Feds and/or the State of New York to begin hitting Donald Trump with financial penalties for his financial crimes. When Trump doesn’t pay up because he’s too cash-poor, his assets will begin to be seized. It turns out we’re not the only ones who are thinking in these terms.

Donny Deutsch has known Donald Trump for twenty years, though not particularly amicably. Deutsch is also a longtime friend of Michael Cohen. This means Deutsch is in position to know about just how criminally ugly things are in general inside the Trump Organization and Trump real estate empire. Deutsche appeared on Hardball with Chris Matthews on Wednesday evening and predicted that Trump’s assets will indeed be seized while he’s still in office.

There are a few different ways this can happen. New York State just launched a criminal investigation into Donald Trump’s insurance fraud. It can hit him with huge fines and then begin seizing his bank accounts or real estate properties in the state. New York State is also likely to hit Trump for state income tax fraud. That’s before getting to the question of whether the DOJ can seize Trump’s assets while he’s in office. In any case, the longer Trump holds the White House hostage, the more of his properties he’s likely to lose.

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