Donald Trump circles the drain

“President” Donald Trump had a bad twenty-four hours. First, Michael “the Fixer I hardly even knew” Cohen, who as a reminder was also the Deputy Vice Chairman of the RNC Finance Committee, testified in open hearings yesterday, accusing Trump of committing “numerous crimes.” Cohen also suggested Ivanka, Junior, and others be interviewed as they might have information to help nail the coffin on Trump.

While that was going on, Trump was in Vietnam, and he wasn’t happy that the House had the audacity to hold the hearing while he was at the important “Sucker” Summit with Kim Jong-un, ignoring The Who’s yell “won’t get fooled again.” Trump hyped the fact that Kim and he were going to have a signing ceremony to announce something big. But then early this morning, reports were issued that the summit had ended prematurely, as Kim would not agree to full denuclearization, and so there was no happy ending to the summit. This was after Trump and Mike “the Pompous Ass” Pompeo had already agreed not to hold Kim to an accounting of his nuclear arsenal, another concession for nothing, absolutely nothing, in return.

While talking about the visit and his interactions, Trump also was consistent in his support and belief in the world’s worst murderous thugs. When asked about the Otto Warmbier tragedy, Trump noted that Kim had denied playing a role in it, and that he believed Kim: “He tells me he didn’t know about it, and I will take him at his word.” Trump believes Putin, he believes Mohammad bin Salman, and now he believes Kim. Americans are targeted, injured, and tragically dead, but Trump believes the dictators who are known to torture and kill.

Donald Trump will now come home, declaring his continued love and respect for Kim, who has played Trump like a cheap “Trump Fiddle”™ from the start. A word of advice for the “Art of the Deal” man: never announce you have a deal, or are about to announce one, until you have the deal signed and it is final. Otherwise, the other side has the leverage.

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