Anthony Kennedy and his son were even more deeply involved in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal than we thought

Last year, even as Donald Trump’s presidency seemed to be on its last legs, and the Republican Party seemed to be inching away from him, something happened that caused the GOP to rush back into his arms and buy him significant time. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy abruptly announced he was retiring, thus allowing Trump to nominate his replacement. This was suspicious beyond words, because Kennedy’s son was an executive at Deutsche Bank, which was at the financial center of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal.
This set off a million theories about how Donald Trump might have used Trump-Russia dirt on Justin Kennedy as leverage to force Anthony Kennedy into retirement. The trouble was that, while it all made sense, it was all vague and circumstantial. But that’s no longer the case. Tonight the New York Times published a verty lengthy expose about the mutually corrupt relationship between Trump and Deutsche Bank over the years โ and both the older and younger Kennedy play a role in the story.
The NY Times article confirms, once and for all, what had long been suspected: Justin Kennedy was indeed the Deutsche Bank senior executive who kept making the decision to loan large amounts of money to Donald Trump for bad real estate deals, even after every other bank in the world had sworn off lending money to Trump. Oh, and there’s this sentence: “Occasionally, Justice Kennedy stopped by Deutsche Bankโs offices to say hello to the team.”
So now we only have two possibilities. The first is that a Supreme Court Justice abruptly retired at the perfect time to save Donald Trump’s presidency, after the Justice’s son had coincidentally spent years signing off on absurd loans to Trump, from a bank that’s best known for laundering Russian money. The second is that Justin Kennedy is a Kremlin asset who spent years funneling money from Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump, and Anthony Kennedy retired in order to keep Trump afloat, because it was the only way to protect his son. Pick one.