Another one bites the dust

Jenna Ellis never met a sleazy opportunism she didn’t love. She began her life of notoriety as one of those Kellyanne Conway, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz-style converts to MAGA Trumpism.

In other words, back in 2015 she was a severe critic of the grifting bastard Donald Trump, just like everybody else with a semi-working brain. Then Trump got the nomination and eventually sought her out after seeing her on a conservative broadcast. Suddenly she saw the wisdom, the advantage, the downright gorgeous opportunism of kicking over the traces and publicly humiliating herself as a full-fledged MAGA wingnut.

Now, surprise surprise, the winds of opportunism have shifted for her yet again. These days she says she will not vote for Trump in the future because he is a “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit his mistakes.

This sudden shift in her political wind miraculously coincided with her recent indictment. Ellis (in case you forgot) is one of the 19 people who were indicted by Fani Willis for the Fulton County conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.

But just three short years ago Trump wasn’t merely good enough for her, he was so good she was ready to steal my vote, your vote and every decent American’s vote in order to unlawfully defraud the American people and make Trump the nation’s worst nightmare one more time.

And she stuck with that opinion until she got indicted. Now, faster than you can say “Anthony Scaramucci,” she doesn’t hold that opinion any more. “I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said. “Why I have chosen to distance is because of that frankly malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.” She only just noticed this, did she?

Pardon me if I slip into the roots of my Oklahoma forebears here but, I don’t know about y’all, but I reckon she up and changed her tune faster’n a scalded cat. Take a wild guess about where her conscience would be today if Trump had won and successfully stolen the 2020 election. Something tells me her conscience might not be with you, me, and every other American whose vote she had stolen, after all.

It’s a valid “what if” question. As in, what if Albert Speer had found himself finishing World War II on the winning side? Would his “conscience” have caught up with him? Would he have been one of the “good guys” after all? I’m not a betting man, but that’s one bet I would take. And I would bet against it.

For what it’s worth, it appears we have ourselves yet another volunteer for the job of the next John Dean. Ellis is a former counsel for the Thomas More Society, a conservative Catholic group. But her claims to be a “constitutional lawyer” have been widely questioned.

For my money, Ellis is nothing more than a former con artist who suddenly found her conscience. I certainly welcome her and others like her into the anti-Trump fold. But I’m sorry, I have run out of any capacity to respect such people. She was prepared to steal my vote and defile my country. She isn’t sorry for that. She’s sorry she got caught. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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