Another loss for the GOP and “Speaker” Mike Johnson

The Senate finally reached an agreement for a $95 billion package that includes aid to Israel and Ukraine, two very important priorities at the moment – despite the rage it’s drawn from conservatives. There was an agreement that offered Republicans everything they wanted to avert a border crisis, but it’s long been clear that they aren’t actually interested in averting the crisis, just having one to run on – something they made clear with a last ditch effort to impeach Secretary Mayorkas on Tuesday, just hours before the Republican candidate lost the special election in NY-3.

The problem is Mike Johnson knows that he’s going to suffer yet another political embarrassment if he says yes to this, so he requested a meeting with President Biden, probably not the best move to make right after you bad mouth him publicly to score points, so the president has rightly turned down his repeated requests with the message of figuring out how to own what happens – as the refusal for a border deal is the speaker’s fault and his alone.

It almost doesn’t matter who’s in charge – whether or not they push a vote to fire him as speaker, it’s obvious that Republicans are in the game for their own selfish reasons that never play out as they intend, and that’s why we need to vote to remove them all from power on Nov 5.

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