For Donald Trump, it was always going to end like this

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For the past few weeks, Palmer Report has been pointing out that Donald Trump has been subtly losing on all fronts in his battle with House Democrats. It took a pair of crucial court rulings this week, aggressive new posturing from Nancy Pelosi, and a frazzled series of over-the-top Trump meltdowns for it to become crystal clear to everyone involved that Trump is in fact losing. In fact it’s become so clear in the past day or two, even Trump now seems to understand it – and that’s a mixed blessing.

Donald Trump has been reduced to lazily referring to Nancy Pelosi as “Crazy Nancy” before admitting that he’s already used that same nickname on Bernie Sanders. Trump also decided that he’s no longer a “very stable genius,” he’s now an “extremely stable genius.” No really, he said all of this yesterday. He’s now that flustered at how horribly things are going for him. He gets it; he’s screwed. So now he’s doing what we always knew he’d do once the walls were truly caving in on him.

This evening the Trump regime announced that William Barr has been authorized to carry out a fraudulent investigation into the FBI people who exposed his scandals. At nearly the same time, the Trump regime filed a new indictment against Julian Assange whose sole purpose is to try to scare the heck out of every American journalist. This is a full-on offensive.

Donald Trump and his people are coming out swinging in every evil and illegal way they can think of. It’s not clear how many of these offensives will be fully carried out, and how many of them are merely superficial moves aimed at lifting Trump’s falling spirits. We’ll find out soon enough. Either way, when a deranged villain like Trump realizes he’s nearing the end of the road, this is always what it looks like. With Trump circling the drain, and lashing out like a guy who knows he’s circling the drain, the battle is now on for the soul of American democracy.

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