Donald Trump is completely falling to pieces during his latest press conference

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To give you an idea of how low the bar is for Donald Trump’s coronavirus press briefings, MSNBC host Chuck Todd felt compelled to reassure viewers that if the President of the United States went too dangerously off the rails, they’d cut him off. And yet even with that caveat, this press conference is already as disaster.

Donald Trump has appeared listless and lifeless from the very start of this press briefing. Within the first minute or two, he was already audibly out of breath, and frequently taking long confused pauses. Literally all that Trump has to do during the first part of his briefing is to read words off a page that someone else has written for him, and sound half alive while he’s doing it. Yet he can’t pull it off.

In addition to everything that is wrong with Donald Trump’s psychology, there is also something very wrong with Trump’s physical condition right now. Either the stress of massive failure is killing him, or he’s sick with something. Put another way: if your elderly grandpa were in this bad of physical condition, you’d have taken him to the doctor by now.

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