All the pieces are coming together today

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I’m fond of saying that it’s a fool’s errand to try to guess precisely which day a criminal indictment will come down. There are just too many moving parts at the end, and too little of what’s playing out is publicly available information. But the pieces sure do seem to be lining up today for… something.

Donald Trump spent days on radio silence, only to explode in manic fashion on social media last night, as if he’s expecting something big to happen today. News vans reportedly began camping out by the Washington DC courthouse last night, seemingly in expectation of something big going down today. So what does this add up to?

Did Jack Smith have the grand jury indict Donald Trump for January 6th under seal last week? Has Trump already been notified? Has he been told to surrender himself today? Is that why he had such an explosive threatening outburst a few days ago before going silent for days? Did his newly hired attorney convince him not to publicly reveal that he’s been indicted? Did the media get tipped off anyway? Or is none of this happening, and today is shaping up to be much ado about nothing?

Even if today does end up being a bust, it’s worth keeping in mind that we are obviously close to the finish line. Target letters go out at the very end of the process. Trump was specifically given until last Thursday to testify in his own defense to the grand jury if he wanted to. That deadline had to mean something. There’s nothing left for the grand jury to do but indict, and for all we know, that may have already happened on Thursday. But even if things don’t go down today, we at least know we’re days away at most. If you’re annoyed at having to sit and wait for it to happen, imagine being Trump right now.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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