All the marbles

The roll call for the minority members of the Senate judiciary committee reads like a catalogue of villainy: Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley — eleven members in all. The same number of members are also on the Democratic side. Eleven.

That is the problem with having a 50/50 split between Democrats and Republicans in the composition of today’s United States Senate. Every time Republicans on that or any committee vote in unity against the will of the Democrats on the committee, or against what’s best for the American people (take your pick, they’re one and the same), the vote is thrown onto the Senate floor.

Now, you might think that’s no big deal because all 50 Democrats will vote in favour of the will of the people and all 50 Republicans will vote against, right? And Vice President Kamala Harris will break the tie and the Democrats and the people will get their way, right? True enough. But it’s a logistical nightmare.

It means every Democratic Senator and the Vice President must be in town every time. Otherwise the Republicans have the power to significantly disrupt the committee every time a vote is taken. And remember who’s on the judiciary committee: Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, etc..

That will all change should Raphael Warnock beat Herschel Walker in the runoff election for the Georgia Senator on December 6. With a 51/49 Senate composition, every committee and subcommittee in the Senate will suddenly be composed of a majority of Democrats. Deciding votes made in committee will no longer be at the mercy of evil Republicans. Committee votes will no longer need to be thrown to the whole Senate.

If they remain on the judiciary committee those scum — Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley — will become irrelevant. Republicans on every committee will become irrelevant. There will no longer need to be a deciding vote on the Senate floor. It will also rob evil idiots like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema of their power as well. Without a vote on the Senate floor, they’ll have nothing to do with any committee they aren’t members of.

A 51/49 Senate majority will free up the Vice President for work other than her work in Washington. She will be able to carry out much of the important work of her office without being tied to the Capitol. She will be able to stump for Joe Biden and help him in his bid for re-election.

A 51/49 majority in the Senate will also give us a buffer against the 2024 election. We will be able to absorb one overall loss and still retain the Senate. That is why you should be doing everything you can to help Raphael Warnock win. Please make sure to donate or volunteer to help in Georgia. And if you live in Georgia, vote. And drag every friend you can to vote with you. Because Georgia is vital. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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