Donald Trump just tipped off that it’s all over for him but the shouting

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Cornered and alone, defeated and running out of time, Donald Trump tested the waters last night by tweeting a quote which called for “Civil War” if he’s impeached and removed. If it was an experiment in what leverage he might have left for avoiding ouster, all he did was speed up his ouster by motivating GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger to condemn him. Despite that failure, this morning Trump decided to keep testing the waters.

Donald Trump woke up today and decided, for no real reason, to call for the “Arrest for Treason” of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. As Palmer Report explained last night, Trump has already lost – but he’s akin to the cornered criminal who takes hostages in delusional last ditch effort at getting his way. All it really does is delay his arrest, and the longer he drags it out, the more severe his legal consequences will be when it’s over.

The question at this point is the extent to which Donald Trump knows it’s over for him and he’s saying these things as a “screw you” to mainstream America on his way down, and the extent to which Trump honestly believes that these scare tactics might somehow magically save his failed presidency. Considering Trump’s erratic and increasingly self-contradicting words and deeds of late, there’s a good chance he’s cycling between relative lucidity and worsening hallucination in real time.

In any case, whether he realizes it or not, Donald Trump just signaled that it’s all over for him. His demand that Congressman Adam Schiff be arrested is about as delusional as the hostage taker’s demand for a helicopter. That kind of thing never works out well for the criminal, in the movies or in real life. Trump is done. It’s just a matter of how much longer he wants to drag out his downfall.

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