All hell breaks loose in the Republican House

It’s just incredible. It’s unbelievable that we have, playing out before us, the biggest and most hilarious reality TV show ever. This reality show is not “Amazing Race.” Nor is it “The Bachelor.” Or “Survivor.” Nope. This reality show is called: The great Republican shrinkage of 2024.

The show’s stars are Republican House members who are jumping off the GOP Titanic with ever-increasing speed. As Bill Palmer has told you, Rep. Mike Gallagher is resigning, shrinking the Republican House majority even more. It’s a bird, a plane; it’s — shrinkage — the Republican shrinkage of 2024.

Gallagher is leaving the House on 4/19. So what happens now? All hell breaks loose, that’s what. Have House Republicans grasped what deep trouble they’re in?

Their Caucus is shrinking with Marathon speed. The caucus members are now Sailfish, deserting their habitat leaving a (likely frantic) Speaker Johnson most likely wondering:
Who’s next?

We KNOW there will be more resignations to come. How could there not be? I will say it might even be more than two or three . Who knows how many? One must look at it from the point of view of the ones swimming away. Look—put yourselves in their shoes.

Say you have a job. You go in daily, eager to leave your mark and use your creativity. Still, you can’t because several insane coworkers are emotionally harassing your boss, one named Marjorie Taylor Greene, who keeps trying to get the boss fired.

So on and on, day by day, you sit there like a lump of clay, unable to do anything because of the ear-splittingly insane antics of the shock jocks you work with. I’d leave — I mean, who wouldn’t?

Hakeem Jeffries should be getting himself ready to assume the gavel. In the meantime, it is becoming rather fun to guess who will be the next one to go. Could it HIM? What about her? Could it be this one here be over to the right? Could it be that one whose head is bowed, unable to look anyone in the eye?

Why, it’s a regular Agatha Christie Book! Only in this book we know who the villain is. It’s Donald John Trump, of course. Why, who else could it be?

He made these insane caucus members what they are. It’s bedlam in there, which, in politics, means nothing is getting done, which is not unusual as anything Trump touches without fail turns into horse manure, so why should this crappy caucus be any different?

Say goodbye soon to your: “majority”, House Republicans. The diagnosis isn’t good. The diagnosis is — more of the same.

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