Donald Trump chooses Alamo for his last stand

Donald Trump has ten days left in his presidency – or maybe less when you consider that Mike Pence finally began talking about the 25th Amendment last night, and the House is about to impeach Trump as well. Trump has lost his Twitter, and he’s going to lose his freedom once he’s out of office and gets criminally indicted.

Now Trump has decided to make his last stand – and he’s doing it in Alamo. No, really. To be clear, he’s not going to the Alamo, in San Antonio. According to Bloomberg he’s visiting a Texas town called Alamo, which is about three hours south of the Alamo. He’s also planning to pardon more people and try to punish Twitter for banning him.

In other words, Donald Trump is planning to spend his final days as president carrying out a petty, blusterous, corrupt, and stupid agenda. Trump making his last stand at a place called “Alamo” is fitting, considering how poorly it went for the folks who made their last stand at the Alamo. It’s time for Mike Pence to remove him. Today.

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