“Aid or comfort”

No matter WHAT happens with the Supreme Court in regards to this Colorado ruling, regardless, WE know the truth. Donald Trump is an insurrectionist; Donald Trump caused an insurrection.

And he aided and comforted. Let’s talk about THOSE words. The text from Section three of the 14th amendment says: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office…who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of congress or as an officer of the United States..to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

One part of this story isn’t being talked about enough. It is Trump’s continuing support for his buddies, the CONVICTED — CRIMINALLY CONVICTED insurrectionists and other J-6ers. He talks about them. He talks about them with feeling in his voice. He lovingly brings them up with PRIDE, these poisonous weeds, swaying to the beat of their own crimes.

He coddles them and Coos to them; he MADE A SONG with them! He says he will pardon them! These people with souls that are opaque holes, hate this country and showed it on one dark and terrible day.

Aid or comfort. We must speak about this part of Section three more. We must remind people that Trump does not just offer aid AND comfort; he opens his heart to this evil in ways he never has opened his heart to America.

This is because Trump, in all ways that MATTER, is not REALLY an American. Americans love their country. Donald Trump’s country is insurrection-land. It’s a country of pain, hate, anger, dictatorship, and fear.

So, yes, he gives aid and comfort. Of course, he has done this since the aftermath of January Sixth. He has aided and comforted the traitors as voraciously as he has tried to bring down this great country.

He has aided and comforted because his minions did what he told them to do. For Donald is the greatest traitor of all, and on that bloody and awful day, these people — the ONLY people Trump aids and comforts — showed him they were quite willing to die for him. If THAT isn’t insurrection, I don’t know what is.

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