Donald Trump just admitted he’s guilty

Here’s something we didn’t see coming, and it’s a sign of just how erratic, frantic, confused and sloppy Donald Trump is becoming. Politico is reporting that Donald Trump has admitted that he bears responsibility for the U.S. Capitol terrorist attack, in a private conversation with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Notably, McCarthy turned around and repeated this to House Republicans on a conference call this evening. So what’s the strategy? Perhaps McCarthy convinced Trump that the best way for Trump to save himself is to show some remorse. Of course that’s not going to get Trump anywhere.

If anything, it just means McCarthy will be called to testify as a witness at Trump’s criminal trial, because Trump just admitted his guilt to McCarthy. Meanwhile, Trump and the Republican Party clearly have no idea how to handle any of what’s transpired this past week. Trump is falling to pieces, and McCarthy is as much of a dummy as ever.

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