About the new Palmer Report front page…

Last week we rolled out a new design for the Palmer Report front page. The vast majority of reader feedback has been positive, and I want to thank you for all the kind words.
A handful of you have said that you’re confused by the new front page layout and you can’t figure out how to read it chronologically, so I wanted to address that. The left hand column contains all the latest articles in chronological order. It’s as simple as that.
The right hand column has a “Featured” section where we’ll be posting important things like which congressional races are going to be the most competitive, so you can easily find them. Below that, the rest of the right hand column consists of just my latest articles, for those of you who have said that you want to be able to scan through just what I’ve written.
But for those of you who are looking to read the articles in chronological order, all you have to do is simply stick with the left hand column. There’s never a need to jump back and forth between columns or anything like that. It’s as simple as scrolling down the left hand column. Hope that clears everything up.
Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report